Hello world! #4

Do you want to create a drop-down menu in WordPress? You’ve come to the right place! In this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to create a professional drop-down menu design.

Navigation menus are having a bit of a moment in the spotlight. From burger menus for mobile through mega menus for stores to sticky menus for enhanced user experience, there’s a great choice in the way you can present your navigation menu on your WordPress site.

But what if you want to create a straightforward drop-down menu for WordPress with a few top-level items and some more items that drop down from them when the user hovers over them?

Before you start getting into coding advanced menus like mega menus and burger menus, it’s a good idea to learn how to create a drop-down menu. This will come in useful on more sites than you might imagine (not every site needs a fancy menu), and it will give you the foundation you need to start building more advanced menus.

If you’d rather watch our video on creating a drop-down menu in HTML for WordPress, just press play and get started.

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